Applications for State Sponsorship Suspended

The Australian migration landscape is constantly changing.  Massive changes to the skilled migration program were announced in April 2017 with further changes due in July 2017 and March 2018.   Many people are still trying to understand the full impact these changes will have on their businesses and skilled visa options.   If you are......

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Mother reunited with her children

Our client was in a desperate situation when she was referred to our migration agency.   Her three children from a previous marriage were living overseas and being physically abused by their father and sexually abused by their grandfather.   Our client had fled the country a few years ago and had to leave her children behind......

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Permanent residency for newly appointed General Manager

Family Migration

Case Overview Our client was working for his employer based out of their UK office.  He had been offered a promotion to the position of General Manager to establish business operations in Australia.    He had a degree in business but had not worked at the level of General Manager previously.    He had been with his......

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Mother of four forced to leave her children in Australia

Our client was in Australia as the spouse attached to her husband’s 457 visa.   She along with her four children were included as secondary visa applicants.   When the martial relationship broke down our client was forced to leave her children and the family home.   Our client received a visa cancellation notice from DIBP advising......

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Can you apply for a Spouse visa whilst still married to someone else?

One of the reasons people trust Australian Visa Group with their partner visa application is because we take the time to examine and understand the individual aspects of each relationship.   We then thoroughly research the legislative criteria and present a strong and compelling case to the Department of Immigration and  Border Protection (DIBP).   A......

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Professional fees refunded after relationship breakdown

Migration agent

Even with the best intentions not all relationships work.   Australian Visa Group was engaged to manage and lodge a Spouse 820/801 visa application for our client’s defacto partner.  The couple had been living together for over two years whilst she was in Australia on a student visa.   The sponsor paid his initial deposit of $2200......

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Fixing self managed applications

Traffic Chart

A young couple entered our office the day before Christmas Eve looking for help.   The visa applicant was currently on a Working Holiday Visa 417 due to expire in January.   Most migration agencies were closed for the holiday period and our migration agent Perth was about to go on annual leave. The couple explained they......

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Vietnam added to Work and Holiday subclass 462 visa

On 1 March 2017, passport holders from Vietnam, who have tertiary qualifications or have successfully completed at least two years of undergraduate university study may apply for a Work and Holiday subclass 462 visa. Vietnam is the 20th country to be approved for this program. Other countries are Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, People’s Republic of China,......

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