Our client was in a desperate situation when she was referred to our migration agency. Her three children from a previous marriage were living overseas and being physically abused by their father and sexually abused by their grandfather. Our client had fled the country a few years ago and had to leave her children behind completely unaware of the danger they would be facing. Our client had recently discovered the terrible situation and she needed to get her children to Australia as soon as possible. The country where the children were currently residing did not support the rights of a mother. She was unable to relocate herself and apply for sole custody. The legal and cultural system was not in her favour. Furthermore, any such action would anger the father and potentially cause the children to suffer further physical harm. The situation had to be carefully managed to facilitate a smooth and efficient transfer of the children to their mother’s care. Luckily she was referred to a visa specialist at Australian Visa Group by one of our long term corporate clients.
Child visas were taking on average 12 months to be processed and this mother could not stand to wait that long to rescue her children. She was terrified their father would refuse to let the children migrate to Australia if he found out they had disclosed their abuse. She was confused and worried about how to manage the paperwork and situation. She could not afford any errors or delays as the children’s health and emotion states were at risk.
Our migration agent Perth reassured this client and managed the Child visa applications. We delicately communicated the situation to the case officer at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and secured permanent visa grants within 3 months of lodgement. We can happily report the children are now living in Australia with their mother safe from harm.
Speak to our Migration Agent in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne to discuss your application.