Help for victims of domestic violence

Domestic Violence is violent, abusive or intimidating behaviour by a partner, carer or family member aiming to control, dominate or cause fear.   Domestic Violence is not always physical abuse. It can be emotional, psychological, financial, sexual or other types of abuse.  Victims of domestic violence often require great courage to take the first steps towards leaving the relationship.    When your Australian residency is dependent on your abusive partner’s support the situation feels even more difficult.     If you are ready to remove yourself from the situation our migration agent Perth is here to help.    Request a confidential consultation with our Director and Principal Registered Migration Agent, Michelle Firth, MARN 0636086 and 0006808.   Michelle has been a migration agent for over 16 years and has successfully obtained permanent residency for clients suffering domestic violence.

You will need an Initial Consultation to obtain advice.  Book an initial phone consultation first.

If we agree to manage your application our fee is $2200

At Australian Visa Group, we have been approached by clients who hold Spouse 820 visas and have started suffering some form of abuse.    Often the victims feel they do not have sufficient evidence to support their claims or they are unsure if their situation would even be considered domestic violence.    Our migration agents are able to guide you through the process of obtaining the required evidence and statements to support your application.    We will take the time to talk to you and fully understand what has been happening.   We will explain the visa requirements and let you make the decision when to take the next steps.    If you are ready to move forward, we will be there for you.   We will work with you to present a strong application and request your 801 visa be granted even though your relationship has ended.

The family violence provisions allow certain people applying for permanent residence in Australia to continue with their application after the breakdown of their married or de facto relationship, if they or a member of their family unit have experienced family violence by their partner.

Further Information and Support

The Australian Government has developed a family safety pack with information on Australia’s laws regarding domestic and family violence, sexual assault and forced marriage. The family safety pack also includes important information about essential services and emergency contacts in Australia.  The pack is translated into 46 languages.

Phone the 24 hour Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63.



Speak to our  Migration Agent in Perth or  Sydney  to discuss your application.