Interim WASMOL released

The WA State Migration Center has released an interim Western Australian skilled migration occupation list (WASMOL) targeting those occupations which are of a specialist nature and have compelling evidence of unmet demand at a State level.   Only occupations listed on the WASMOL may apply for state sponsorship required for a 190 visa application.   A new list is expected to be released in late May 2017 after consultation with industry.  Speak to our  Migration Agent in PerthSydney or  Melbourne to discuss your application.

All applications received before suspension of the program on 13 March 2017 will be processed according to the criteria that were in place prior to this date. Invitations issued to intending migrants before 13 March will be honoured and their applications processed.

Interim 2017 Western Australian skilled migration occupation list

The WASMOL has been simplified into one list, and is no longer categorised into Schedule 1 and Schedule 2.​


ANZSCO​​ code*​ ​Skilled​ ​o​ccu​pation ​Assessing authority Status
​251214 Sonographer​​ ASMIRT​ Available
253312 Cardiologist Medical Board of Australia​​ Available
253315 Endocrinologist Medical Board of Australia​​​ Available
​​253316 ​Gastroenterologist Medical Board of Australia ​Available​​​
253318 Neurologist Medical Board of Australia​ Available
253322 Renal medicine specialist Medical Board of Australia​ Available​​
253323 ​Rheumatologist​ ​​​Medical Board of Australia​ ​Available
​​253411 Psychiatrist Medical Board of Australia​​​ Available​
​253511 Surgeon (general) ​​​Medical Board of Australia​ ​Available
253512 Cardiothoracic surgeon Medical Board of Australia​​​ Available
253513 Neurosurgeon ​​​Medical Board of Australia​ Available
253514 Orthopaedic surgeon Medical Board of Australia Available
253515 Otorhinolaryngologist ​​Medical Board of Australia​ Available
253518 Urologist Medical Board of Australia Available
253521 Vascular surgeon ​​Medical Board of Australia​ Available
253911 Dermatologist​ Medical Board of Australia Available ​
​253913​ Obstetrician and gynaecologist ​​​Medical Board of Australia​ Available
​253914 Ophthalmologist Medical Board of Australia Available ​
253915 ​Pathologist ​​​Medical Board of Australia​ Available
253917 Diagnostic and interventional radiologist ​​Medical Board of Australia ​Available
2539​18 Radiation oncologist ​​​​​​Medical Board of Australia​​​ Available


Schedule 2

​Schedule 2 is not applicable to the interim WASMOL.​