Our client was in Australia as the spouse attached to her husband’s 457 visa. She along with her four children were included as secondary visa applicants. When the martial relationship broke down our client was forced to leave her children and the family home. Our client received a visa cancellation notice from DIBP advising her that as she was not in a relationship with the main visa applicant, she no longer met the requirements for her visa. Her children however, were unaffected and were to remain in Australia with their father. Although this mother had shared guardianship and custody of these children it did not automatically give her the right to remain in Australia. This mother was about to be forced from the country and would lose all contact with her children. A dire situation for any mother to be facing. Our client had appealed the cancellation but the decision was upheld by the review tribunal. With 28 days to depart the country, she contacted our migration agent Perth desperate for help.
After a long and detailed review of the case, and under the guidance of an immigration lawyer, we were able to lodge a request for ministerial intervention. Our client had since formed a romantic relationship with another Australian citizen and they were planning on getting married in the near future. The ministerial intervention request bought them enough time to marry and lodge a Spouse subclass 820/801 visa application. The Spouse visa was successful and we secured permanent residency for our client. Our migration agent Perth kept this family together and prevented this mother from losing her children. The ex-husband has since filed for his permanent visa and included the children in his application. A fantastic outcome for this mother and her children and highlights the benefit of using an experienced and professional migration agency.
Speak to our Migration Agent in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne to discuss your application.