A young couple entered our office the day before Christmas Eve looking for help. The visa applicant was currently on a Working Holiday Visa 417 due to expire in January. Most migration agencies were closed for the holiday period and our migration agent Perth was about to go on annual leave.
The couple explained they had lodged their own self managed Partner 820/801 and paid the $6865 visa application fee. Upon uploading their supporting evidence they discovered they were not eligible for this visa. The sponsor was a New Zealand citizen but she was not an “eligible New Zealand citizen”. They were worried they had lost all their money and that they would be required to depart Australia in order to stay together. They had both found employment in Perth, made many friends and wanted to establish their life here. They were very much in love and had been together for over 12 months. The application fee had drained all their savings, they were distraught and desperate.
Our migration agent Perth worked over the holiday period to successfully obtain a refund of the $6865 Spouse visa application fee paid to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Our migration agent Perth also lodged a 461 Zealand Family Citizen relationship visa enabling the applicant to remain in Australia for 5 years with his partner. The best part of the story is the new visa application fee was only $325 returning $6540 for the young couple to use as a deposit for their first home.
At Australian Visa Group we understand not everyone has the finances to afford our full service professional fee. However, please come to us for an initial assessment to ensure you are on the right track and applying for the correct visa. The $220 initial assessment fee can save you thousands of dollars and heart ache down the track. Speak to our Migration Agent in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne to discuss your application.