One of the reasons people trust Australian Visa Group with their partner visa application is because we take the time to examine and understand the individual aspects of each relationship. We then thoroughly research the legislative criteria and present a strong and compelling case to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). A common question that arises is “can you lodge a spouse visa whilst still married to someone else?’ Speak to our Migration Agent in Perth, Sydney or Melbourne to discuss your application.
Case Overview
Our client was on a student visa and working part-time. She was permanently separated but still legally married to her husband. She wanted to lodge a Spouse visa subclass 820/801 based on her defacto relationship with her Australian girlfriend. To complicate matters, the couple had been living with her girlfriend’s parents. They had no formal lease agreements, were not paying rent nor had utilities or other bills in their names. They did not have a joint bank account nor substantial savings or assets to share. The girls came to our office quite unsure if they could successfully obtain a Spouse visa.
Our registered migration agent Perth was able to put together a strong application and extracted a range of evidence from the couple to support their claims of living in a defacto relationship. Our visa agent Perth was able to secure a Spouse visa whilst the applicant was still waiting for her divorce to be finalised. When it was time for our client to apply for Australian citizenship she again engaged Australian Visa Group to manage her application. Our professional relationship has spanned over 6 years. Our client has since referred other friends and family to our agency and we have become trusted advisors. With all our clients we take a very personal and invested interest in their migration journey. Contact our migration agent Perth or migration agent Sydney today to discuss your particular situation ph 1800 875 285.