Australia is becoming a highly sought after destination. There has been a rise in interest in migrating to Australia since Covid-19. Australian residents can sponsor their parents to permanently migrate to Australia under the Family Migration Stream. Now is a crucial the time for many to decide to lodge a Parent visa for Australia.
All Parent Visa applicants are placed in a queue. The number of Parent visas granted each year is capped and queued. With Australia’s international borders being closed due to Covid-19, this queue is getting longer.
What is the Best Parent Visa for Australia?
The Parent Visa 103 and Aged Parent visa 804 both attract an application fee. One parent $4350 plus a second instalment of $2065 total $6415 for a single applicant. Both the 103 and 804 take approximately 30 years to be processed. Only the Aged Parent visa 804 can be applied for whilst onshore and applicants will receive a bridging visa to remain in Australia until a decision is made. Applicants for a Parent 103 visa will not receive a bridging visa even if they apply from within Australia.
This leaves the Contributory Parent Visas 884 and 143 with an application fee of $4155 and a second VAC instalment of $43,600 plus an Assurance of Support Bond of $10,000. Processing for a Contributory Parent Visa is currently 4 – 6 years. In May 2020, DHA were processing applications lodged in April 2016.
Numbers of new parent visa applications are likely to rise due to the increasing interest in Australia as safe destination with outstanding medical care. Australia’s international borders remain closed and processing of parent visas are on hold. It is inevitable the parent queue will get longer and processing times will increase well beyond 6 years. Applicants who want to apply for a Parent visa for Australia should do so urgently. Get in the queue now and have a plan for when Australia’s borders open.
Offshore Applicants
Applications can still be lodged for Parent visa whilst Australia’s international borders are closed. The visas won’t be processed or granted until the border’s re-open. Once the borders are open, applicants may want to visit Australia for an extended stay whilst waiting for their permanent Parent visa to be granted. Parents can apply for a Parent Tourist Visa 870. This visa can be granted for a 3 or 5 year stay. Applicants can renew this visa to allow a maximum stay of 10 years.
3 years stay $5,000
5 year stay $10,000
Discuss your parent visa strategy with our senior Migration Agent. Book online for a 30 min consultation.